@InProceedings{Moro25s, author = "Moro, V. and Chamon, L. F. O.", title = "Solving Differential Equations with Constrained Learning", booktitle = "International Conference on Learning Representations\textasciitilde (ICLR)", year = "2025", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22796}" }
@InProceedings{Chamon24c, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Jaghargh, M. R. K. and Korba, A.", title = "Constrained sampling with primal-dual {L}angevin {M}onte {C}arlo", booktitle = "Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems\textasciitilde (NeurIPS)", year = "2024", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2411.00568}" }
@Article{Calvo-Fullana24s, author = "{Calvo-Fullana}, M. and Paternain, S. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "State augmented constrained reinforcement learning: {O}vercoming the limitations of learning with rewards", journal = "IEEE Trans. on Autom. Control.", year = "2024", volume = "69[7]", pages = "4275--4290", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.11941}" }
@Article{Chamon23c, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Paternain, S. and {Calvo-Fullana}, M. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Constrained Learning with Non-Convex Losses", journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Theory", volume = "69[3]", pages = "1739--1760", year = "2023", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.05134}", doi = "10.1109/TIT.2022.3187948" }
@Article{Ruiz23t, author = "Ruiz, L. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Transferability Properties of Graph Neural Networks", journal = "IEEE Trans. on Signal Process.", year = "2023", volume = "71", pages = "3474--3489", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.04629}", doi = "10.1109/TSP.2023.3297848" }
@InProceedings{Robey21a, author = "Robey*, A. and Chamon*, L. F. O. and Pappas, G. J. and Hassani, H. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Adversarial Robustness with Semi-Infinite Constrained Learning", booktitle = "Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems\textasciitilde (NeurIPS)", year = "2021", pages = "", note = "{(* equal contribution)}", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.15767}" }
@InProceedings{Chamon20ta, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Paternain, S. and {Calvo-Fullana}, M. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "The empirical duality gap of constrained statistical learning", booktitle = "IEEE International Conference in Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)", year = "2020", pages = "", award = "Best student paper award", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.05183}", slides = "\url{https://www.luizchamon.com/pdf/chamon\_icassp2020a\_slides.pdf}" }
@InProceedings{Kalogerias20b, author = "Kalogerias, D. S. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Pappas, G. J. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Better safe than sorry: {R}isk-aware nonlinear {B}ayesian estimation", booktitle = "IEEE International Conference in Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)", year = "2020", pages = "", award = "Best paper award", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.02933}" }
@Article{Eisen19l, author = "Eisen, M. and Zhang, C. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Lee, D. D. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Learning optimal resource allocations in wireless systems", volume = "67[10]", journal = "IEEE Trans. on Signal Process.", year = "2019", pages = "2775--2790", award = "Top 50 most accessed articles in IEEE TSP: May, July, Sept, Oct 2019", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1807.08088}", doi = "10.1109/TSP.2019.2908906" }
@InProceedings{Paternain19c, author = "Paternain, S. and Chamon, L. F. O. and {Calvo-Fullana}, M. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Constrained reinforcement learning has zero duality gap", booktitle = "Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems\textasciitilde (NeurIPS)", year = "2019", pages = "7555--7565", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.13393}" }
@Article{Chamon20t, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Paternain, S. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Trust but verify: {A}ssigning prediction credibility by counterfactual constrained learning", journal = "", year = "2020", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.12344}" }
@Article{Chamon16c, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Lopes, C. G.", title = "Combination of {LMS} Adaptive Filters with Coefficients Feedback", journal = "", year = "2016", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1608.03248}" }
@Misc{Lamb19s, author = "Lamb, D. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Nascimento, V. H. and Spirer, A.R.", title = "Sparse cascaded-integrator-comb filters", year = "2019", note = "US10367477B2", url = "\url{https://patents.google.com/patent/US10367477B2}" }
@Article{Calvo-Fullana24s, author = "{Calvo-Fullana}, M. and Paternain, S. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "State augmented constrained reinforcement learning: {O}vercoming the limitations of learning with rewards", journal = "IEEE Trans. on Autom. Control.", year = "2024", volume = "69[7]", pages = "4275--4290", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.11941}" }
@Article{Lopes23d, author = "Lopes, C. G. and Nascimento, V. H. and Chamon, L. F. O.", title = "Distributed Universal Adaptive Networks", journal = "IEEE Trans. on Signal Process.", volume = "71", pages = "1817--1832", year = "2023", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.05746}", doi = "10.1109/TSP.2023.3275812" }
@Article{Chamon23c, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Paternain, S. and {Calvo-Fullana}, M. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Constrained Learning with Non-Convex Losses", journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Theory", volume = "69[3]", pages = "1739--1760", year = "2023", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.05134}", doi = "10.1109/TIT.2022.3187948" }
@Article{Paternain23s, author = "Paternain, S. and {Calvo-Fullana}, M. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Safe policies for reinforcement learning via primal-dual methods", journal = "IEEE Trans. on Autom. Control.", year = "2023", volume = "68[3]", pages = "1321--1336", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.09101}", doi = "10.1109/TAC.2022.3152724" }
@Article{Ruiz23t, author = "Ruiz, L. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Transferability Properties of Graph Neural Networks", journal = "IEEE Trans. on Signal Process.", year = "2023", volume = "71", pages = "3474--3489", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.04629}", doi = "10.1109/TSP.2023.3297848" }
@Article{Chamon22a, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Amice, A. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Approximately supermodular scheduling subject to matroid constraints", volume = "67[3]", journal = "IEEE Trans. on Autom. Control.", year = "2022", pages = "1384--1396", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.08841}", doi = "10.1109/TAC.2021.3071024" }
@Article{Chamon21a, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Pappas, G. J. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Approximate Supermodularity of {K}alman filter sensor selection", volume = "66[1]", journal = "IEEE Trans. on Autom. Control.", year = "2021", pages = "49--63", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.03799}", doi = "10.1109/TAC.2020.2973774" }
@Article{Ruiz21g, author = "Ruiz, L. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Graphon signal processing", journal = "IEEE Trans. on Signal Process.", volume = "69", year = "2021", pages = "4961--4976", doi = "10.1109/TSP.2021.3106857", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.05030}" }
@Article{Chamon20f, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Eldar, Y. C. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Functional nonlinear sparse models", volume = "68[1]", journal = "IEEE Trans. on Signal Process.", year = "2020", pages = "2449--2463", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.00577}", doi = "10.1109/TSP.2020.2982834" }
@Article{Peifer20s, author = "Peifer, M. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Paternain, S. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Sparse multiresolution representations with adaptive kernels", volume = "68[1]", journal = "IEEE Trans. on Signal Process.", year = "2020", pages = "2031--2044", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.02797}", doi = "10.1109/TSP.2020.2976577" }
@Article{Eisen19l, author = "Eisen, M. and Zhang, C. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Lee, D. D. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Learning optimal resource allocations in wireless systems", volume = "67[10]", journal = "IEEE Trans. on Signal Process.", year = "2019", pages = "2775--2790", award = "Top 50 most accessed articles in IEEE TSP: May, July, Sept, Oct 2019", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1807.08088}", doi = "10.1109/TSP.2019.2908906" }
@Article{Chamon18g, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Greedy sampling of graph signals", volume = "66[1]", journal = "IEEE Trans. on Signal Process.", year = "2018", pages = "34--47", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1704.01223}", doi = "10.1109/TSP.2017.2755586" }
@Article{Lamb16a, author = "Lamb, D. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Nascimento, V. H.", title = "An efficient filtering structure for spline interpolation and decimation", volume = "52[1]", journal = "IET Electronics Letters", year = "2016", pages = "39--41", doi = "10.1049/el.2015.1957" }
@Article{Ferro14f, author = "Ferro, H. F. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Lopes, C. G.", title = "{FIR-IIR} adaptive filters hybrid combination", volume = "50[7]", journal = "IET Electronics Letters", year = "2014", pages = "501--503", doi = "10.1049/el.2014.0248" }
@InProceedings{Moro25s, author = "Moro, V. and Chamon, L. F. O.", title = "Solving Differential Equations with Constrained Learning", booktitle = "International Conference on Learning Representations\textasciitilde (ICLR)", year = "2025", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22796}" }
@InProceedings{Chamon24c, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Jaghargh, M. R. K. and Korba, A.", title = "Constrained sampling with primal-dual {L}angevin {M}onte {C}arlo", booktitle = "Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems\textasciitilde (NeurIPS)", year = "2024", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2411.00568}" }
@InProceedings{Elenter24n, author = "Elenter, J. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Near-optimal solutions of constrained learning problems", booktitle = "International Conference on Learning Representations\textasciitilde (ICLR)", year = "2024", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2403.11844}" }
@InProceedings{Hounie23r, author = "Hounie, I. and Ribeiro, A. and Chamon, L. F. O.", title = "Resilient Constrained Learning", booktitle = "Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems\textasciitilde (NeurIPS)", year = "2023", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.02426}" }
@InProceedings{Cervino23l, author = "Cervino, J. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Haeffele, B. D. and Vidal, R. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Learning Globally Smooth Functions on Manifolds", booktitle = "International Conference on Machine Learning\textasciitilde (ICML)", year = "2023", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.00301}" }
@InProceedings{Hounie23a, author = "Hounie, I. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Automatic Data Augmentation via Invariance-Constrained Learning", booktitle = "International Conference on Machine Learning\textasciitilde (ICML)", year = "2023", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.15031}" }
@InProceedings{Robey22p, author = "Robey, A. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Pappas, G. J. and Hassani, H.", title = "Probabilistically Robust Learning: {B}alancing Average- and Worst-case Performance", booktitle = "International Conference on Machine Learning\textasciitilde (ICML)", year = "2022", pages = "", award = "spotlight", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.01136}" }
@InProceedings{Robey21a, author = "Robey*, A. and Chamon*, L. F. O. and Pappas, G. J. and Hassani, H. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Adversarial Robustness with Semi-Infinite Constrained Learning", booktitle = "Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems\textasciitilde (NeurIPS)", year = "2021", pages = "", note = "{(* equal contribution)}", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.15767}" }
@InProceedings{Chamon20p, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Probably approximately correct constrained learning", booktitle = "Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems\textasciitilde (NeurIPS)", year = "2020", pages = "", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.05487}" }
@InProceedings{Ruiz20g, author = "Ruiz, L. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Graphon neural networks and the transferability of graph neural networks", booktitle = "Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems\textasciitilde (NeurIPS)", year = "2020", pages = "", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.03548}" }
@InProceedings{Paternain19c, author = "Paternain, S. and Chamon, L. F. O. and {Calvo-Fullana}, M. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Constrained reinforcement learning has zero duality gap", booktitle = "Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems\textasciitilde (NeurIPS)", year = "2019", pages = "7555--7565", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.13393}" }
@InProceedings{Arzani180, author = "Arzani, B. and Ciraci, S. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Zhu, Y. and Liu, H. and Padhye, J. and Loo, B. T. and Outhred, G.", title = "007: {D}emocratically finding the cause of packet drops", booktitle = "USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation\textasciitilde (NSDI)", year = "2018", pages = "419--435", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.07222}" }
@InProceedings{Arzani17c, author = "Arzani, B. and Ciraci, S. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Zhu, Y. and Liu, H. and Padhye, J. and Outhred, G. and Loo, B. T.", title = "Closing the network diagnostics gap with {Vigil}", booktitle = "SIGCOMM\textasciitilde (Poster)", year = "2017", pages = "40--42" }
@InProceedings{Chamon17a, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Approximate supermodularity bounds for experimental design", booktitle = "Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems\textasciitilde (NeurIPS)", year = "2017", pages = "5403--5412", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.01501}" }
@InProceedings{Angelico21s, author = "Ang\'{e}lico, B. A. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Paternain, S. and Ribeiro, A. and Pappas, G. J.", title = "Source seeking in unknown environments with convex obstacles", booktitle = "American Control Conference", year = "2021", pages = "", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.07496}" }
@InProceedings{Calvo-Fullana21t, author = "{Calvo-Fullana}, M. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Paternain, S.", title = "Towards safe continuing task reinforcement learning", booktitle = "American Control Conference", year = "2021", pages = "", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.12585}" }
@InProceedings{Chamon20c, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Paternain, S. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Counterfactual programming for optimal control", booktitle = "Learning for Dynamics \\& Control (L4DC)", year = "2020", pages = "" }
@InProceedings{Chamon20r, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Amice, A. and Paternain, S. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Resilient control: {C}ompromising to adapt", booktitle = "IEEE Control and Decision Conference", year = "2020", pages = "", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.03726}", slides = "\url{https://www.luizchamon.com/pdf/chamon\_cdc2020\_poster.pdf}" }
@InProceedings{Tsiamis20r, author = "Tsiamis, A. and Kalogerias, D. S. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Ribeiro, A. and Pappas, G. J.", title = "Risk-constrained linear-quadratic regulators", booktitle = "IEEE Control and Decision Conference", year = "2020", pages = "", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.04685}" }
@InProceedings{Chamon19m, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Amice, A. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Matroid-constrained approximately supermodular optimization for near-optimal actuator scheduling", booktitle = "IEEE Control and Decision Conference", year = "2019", pages = "3391--3398", slides = "\url{https://www.luizchamon.com/pdf/chamon\_cdc2019a\_slides.pdf}" }
@InProceedings{Paternain19l, author = "Paternain, S. and Calvo-Fullana, M. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Learning safe policies via primal-dual methods", booktitle = "IEEE Control and Decision Conference", year = "2019", pages = "6491--6497", slides = "\url{https://www.luizchamon.com/pdf/chamon\_cdc2019b\_slides.pdf}" }
@InProceedings{Silva19m, author = "Silva, V. L. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Model predictive selection: {A} receding horizon scheme for actuator selection", booktitle = "American Control Conference", year = "2019", pages = "347--353" }
@InProceedings{Chamon17t, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Pappas, G. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "The mean square error in {K}alman filtering sensor selection is approximately supermodular", booktitle = "IEEE Control and Decision Conference", year = "2017", pages = "343--350", slides = "\url{https://www.luizchamon.com/pdf/chamon\_cdc2017\_slides.pdf}" }
@InProceedings{Ruiz21t, author = "Ruiz, L. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Transferable graph neural networks on large-scale stochastic graphs", booktitle = "Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers", year = "2021", pages = "" }
@InProceedings{Chamon20ta, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Paternain, S. and {Calvo-Fullana}, M. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "The empirical duality gap of constrained statistical learning", booktitle = "IEEE International Conference in Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)", year = "2020", pages = "", award = "Best student paper award", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.05183}", slides = "\url{https://www.luizchamon.com/pdf/chamon\_icassp2020a\_slides.pdf}" }
@InProceedings{Kalogerias20b, author = "Kalogerias, D. S. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Pappas, G. J. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Better safe than sorry: {R}isk-aware nonlinear {B}ayesian estimation", booktitle = "IEEE International Conference in Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)", year = "2020", pages = "", award = "Best paper award", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.02933}" }
@InProceedings{Ruiz20ga, author = "Ruiz, L. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Graphon filters: {S}ignal processing in very large graphs", booktitle = "European Signal Processing Conference\textasciitilde (EUSIPCO)", year = "2020", pages = "1050--1054" }
@InProceedings{Ruiz20t, author = "Ruiz, L. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "The graphon {F}ourier transform", booktitle = "IEEE International Conference in Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)", year = "2020", pages = "", arxiv = "\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.10195}" }
@InProceedings{Chamon19l, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Paternain, S. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Learning {G}aussian processes with {B}ayesian posterior optimization", booktitle = "Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers", year = "2019", pages = "482--486", slides = "\url{https://www.luizchamon.com/pdf/chamon\_asilomar2019\_slides.pdf}" }
@InProceedings{Chamon19s, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Eldar, Y. C. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Sparse recovery over nonlinear dictionaries", booktitle = "IEEE International Conference in Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)", year = "2019", pages = "4878--4882", slides = "\url{https://www.luizchamon.com/pdf/chamon\_icassp2019a\_slides.pdf}" }
@InProceedings{Eisen19d, author = "Eisen, M. and Zhang, C. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Lee, D. D. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Dual domain learning of optimal resource allocations in wireless systems", booktitle = "IEEE International Conference in Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)", year = "2019", pages = "4729--4733" }
@InProceedings{Peifer19s, author = "Peifer, M. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Paternain, S. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Sparse learning of parsimonious reproducing kernel {H}ilbert space models", booktitle = "IEEE International Conference in Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)", year = "2019", pages = "3292--3296" }
@InProceedings{Chamon18s, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Eldar, Y. C. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Strong duality of sparse functional optimization", booktitle = "IEEE International Conference in Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)", year = "2018", pages = "4739--4743" }
@InProceedings{Eisen18o, author = "Eisen, M. and Zhang, C. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Lee, D. D. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Online deep learning in wireless communication systems", booktitle = "Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers", year = "2018", pages = "1289--1293" }
@InProceedings{Peifer18l, author = "Peifer, M. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Paternain, S. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Locally adaptive kernel estimation using sparse functional programming", booktitle = "Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers", year = "2018", pages = "2022--2026" }
@InProceedings{Chamon17f, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Finite-precision effects on graph filters", booktitle = "IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing\textasciitilde (GlobalSip)", year = "2017", pages = "603--607", slides = "\url{https://www.luizchamon.com/pdf/chamon\_globalsip2017\_slides.pdf}" }
@InProceedings{Chamon17u, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Universal bounds for the sampling of graph signals", booktitle = "IEEE International Conference in Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing\textasciitilde (ICASSP)", year = "2017", pages = "3899--3903", slides = "\url{https://www.luizchamon.com/pdf/chamon\_icassp2017\_slides.pdf}" }
@InProceedings{Chamon16n, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Ribeiro, A.", title = "Near-optimality of greedy set selection in the sampling of graph signals", booktitle = "IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing\textasciitilde (GlobalSip)", year = "2016", pages = "1265--1269", slides = "\url{https://www.luizchamon.com/pdf/chamon\_globalsip2016\_slides.pdf}" }
@InProceedings{Chamon14t, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Lopes, C. G.", title = "There's plenty of room at the bottom: {I}ncremental combinations of sign-error {LMS} filters", booktitle = "IEEE International Conference in Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing\textasciitilde (ICASSP)", year = "2014", pages = "7248--7252" }
@InProceedings{Lopes14t, author = "Lopes, C. G. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Nascimento, V. H.", title = "Towards spatially universal adaptive networks", booktitle = "IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing\textasciitilde (GlobalSip)", year = "2014", pages = "803--807" }
@InProceedings{Chamon13d, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and de Lucena, A. M. P.", title = "Determination of the minimum distance between symbols of the two non-orthogonal {M-QAM} carriers", year = "2013", booktitle = "Brazilian Telecommunication Symposium\textasciitilde (SBrT)", pages = "" }
@InProceedings{Chamon13o, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Lopes, C. G.", title = "On parallel-incremental combinations of {LMS} filters that outperform the {A}ffine {P}rojection {A}lgorithm", year = "2013", booktitle = "Brazilian Telecommunication Symposium\textasciitilde (SBrT)", pages = "" }
@InProceedings{Chamon13t, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Lopes, C. G.", title = "Transient performance of an incremental combination of {LMS} filters", year = "2013", booktitle = "European Signal Processing Conference\textasciitilde (EUSIPCO)", pages = "7298--7302" }
@InProceedings{Bittencourt12p, author = "Bittencourt, R. F. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Futatsugui, S. and Yanagihara, J. I. and Gerges, S. N. Y.", title = "Preliminary results on the modeling of aircraft vibroacoustic comfort", year = "2012", booktitle = "INTERNOISE", slides = "\url{https://www.luizchamon.com/pdf/chamon\_internoise2012\_slides.pdf}" }
@InProceedings{Chamon12a, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Ferro, H. F. and Lopes, C. G.", title = "A data reusage algorithm based on incremental combination of {LMS} filters", year = "2012", booktitle = "Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers", pages = "406--410" }
@InProceedings{Chamon12c, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Lopes, W. B. and Lopes, C. G.", title = "Combination of adaptive filters with coefficients feedback", booktitle = "IEEE International Conference in Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing\textasciitilde (ICASSP)", year = "2012", pages = "3785--3788" }
@InProceedings{Chamon11a, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Quiqueto, G. S. and Bistafa, S. R. and Nascimento, V. H.", title = "An {SVD}-based {MIMO} equalizer applied to the auralization of aircraft noise in a cabin simulator", booktitle = "18th International Congress on Sound and Vibration\textasciitilde (ICSV)", year = "2011", pages = "", slides = "\url{https://www.luizchamon.com/pdf/chamon\_icsv2011\_slides.pdf}" }
@InProceedings{Chamon11c, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Lopes, C. G.", title = "Combination of adaptive filters for relative navigation", booktitle = "European Signal Processing Conference\textasciitilde (EUSIPCO)", year = "2011", pages = "1771--1775" }
@InProceedings{Chamon10t, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Quiqueto, G. S. and Bistafa, S. R.", title = "The application of the {S}ingular {V}alue {D}ecomposition for the decoupling of the vibratory reproduction system of an aircraft cabin simulator", booktitle = "II SAE Brazil International Noise and Vibration Congress", year = "2010", pages = "" }
@InProceedings{Quiqueto10p, author = "Quiqueto, G. S. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Bistafa, S. R.", title = "Preliminary results on the development of an aircraft cabin {N\\&V} simulator", booktitle = "II SAE Brazil International Noise and Vibration Congress", year = "2010", pages = "" }
@Misc{Chamon21c, author = "Chamon, L. F. O.", title = "{csl}: {L}earning under requirements with {PyTorch}", version = "1.0", year = "2021", url = "\url{https://github.com/lfochamon/csl}" }
@TechReport{Chamon15s, author = "Chamon, L. F. O.", title = "Statistical analysis of the cabin comfort trials", institution = "{EMBRAER S.A.}, {B}razil", year = "2015", type = "Technical report" }
@TechReport{Chamon14s, author = "Chamon, L. F. O.", title = "Statistical analysis of the vibroacoustic dedicated trials", institution = "{P}olytechnic {S}chool of the {U}niversity of {S}ão {P}aulo, {B}razil", year = "2014", type = "Technical report" }
@TechReport{Santos13i, author = "Santos, H.M. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Lopes, C.G.", title = "Implementation of a Qi compliant wireless power system for an underwater probe", institution = "{IEEE} {S}tandards {E}ducation {C}ommittee", year = "2013", type = "White paper" }
@TechReport{Chamon12s, author = "Chamon, L. F. O.", title = "Specification and validation of the vibroacoustic reproduction and monitoring system of the integrated simulator", institution = "{P}olytechnic {S}chool of the {U}niversity of {S}ão {P}aulo, {B}razil", year = "2012", type = "Technical report" }
@TechReport{Chamon10r, author = "Chamon, L. F. O. and Nascimento, V.H.", title = "Reproduction of the acoustic field of aircraft cabins", institution = "{P}olytechnic {S}chool of the {U}niversity of {S}ão {P}aulo, {B}razil", year = "2010", type = "Senior project" }
@TechReport{Quiqueto10v, author = "Quiqueto, G.S. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Bistafa, S.R.", title = "Vibroacoustic excitation description and validation criteria for the integrated simulator", institution = "{P}olytechnic {S}chool of the {U}niversity of {S}ão {P}aulo, {B}razil", year = "2010", type = "Technical report" }
@TechReport{Quiqueto10va, author = "Quiqueto, G.S. and Chamon, L. F. O. and Bistafa, S.R.", title = "Validation of the vibroacoustic design of the thermal simulator", institution = "{P}olytechnic {S}chool of the {U}niversity of {S}ão {P}aulo, {B}razil", year = "2010", type = "Technical report" }
@TechReport{Chamon09n, author = "Chamon, L. F. O.", title = "Non-destructive testing of concrete using ultrasound", institution = "INSACAST Formation Continue, Lyon, France", year = "2009", type = "Tutorial" }
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